About UBS

Experts in big data, cloud, and analytics

Making data and analytics work for your business

UBS delivers custom solutions to capture, analyze, and share huge volumes of data from traditional on-site data management systems, cloud applications, social media, and numerous other sources.

Combining our expertise in big-data architectures with artificial intelligence and machine learning concepts, we help enterprises imagine new ways to manage costs, increase sales, and become more efficient. Whatever your business goal, we’ll help you tap into the right data and get it to the right place at the right time to the right user.

Why Choose Us?

Custom solutions

UBS’s driving purpose is to help organizations craft custom data solutions focused on big data, cloud and analytics. Our solutions help companies gain deep insights from their data, positioning them to make today’s business decisions and predict future trends.

Custom solutions


Whether we are architecting big data solutions in the cloud or developing statistical or predictive analytics, our process is always collaborative. We begin by understanding a client’s existing data landscape and the challenges they are looking to solve, then work closely with them to craft.


Industry leading experts

Our team at UBS is made up of highly motivated, industry leading experts. True data technologists, their capability to easily adapt to leading technologies is enabled by their depth of experience in existing applications, frameworks, and tools. Contact us and know more from our experts.

Industry leading experts